43rd Annual Meeting - Clearing the Waters: Effective Science and Communication Meeting Information February 28 - March 1, 2019 at Lake Lawn Resort, 2400 E. Geneva St, Delavan, WI 53115 Download the Call for Papers Download the Conference Registration Information Download the Conference Program Download the Conference Presentations Meeting Highlights The 43rd annual meeting of the American Water Resources Association-Wisconsin Section was held February 28 – March 1, 2018 at the Lake Lawn Resort, Delavan, Wisconsin. There were 226 registrants who attended the meeting, which included 53 oral presentations and 38 posters. The meeting theme was “Clearing the Waters: Effective Science and Communication”. In support of this theme, the Plenary Session included: Dominique Brossard, Chair of the Department of Life Sciences Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, speaking on Science Communication: Challenges and Opportunities (pictured below left); and Lee Bergquist from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel speaking on A Reporter’s Perspective on Reporting and Writing on Wisconsin Environmental Issues (pictured below right). Based on the success of our inaugural 2017 Lightening Talk Session, we continued the tradition this year, covering topics including storm-induced water level oscillations, water resources science, geologic mapping needs in Wisconsin, groundwater modeling using artificial intelligence, and water conservation practices. We had excellent technical sessions focused on the areas of Wetlands, Hydrogeology, Monitoring, Shorelines, Water Quality, Surface Water and Climate Change, Urban Hydrology, and Science Communication. The Dinner Speaker was Dale Robertson from the U.S. Geological Survey Upper Midwest Water Science Center who gave an insightful presentation on The Rehabilitation of Delavan Lake and the Long-Term Effects of Changes in the Food Web (pictured below). The evening Poster Session (pictured below) included a mixture of interesting topics presented by undergraduate and graduate students, regulatory and industry professionals, and academic colleagues. Distinguished Service Award We presented this year’s Distinguished Service Award to Maureen (Moe) Muldoon! Moe has been active in the Wisconsin Chapter of AWRA from the beginning, first appearing in the history as a Local Arrangements chair in 1989. She has also served as Secretary, Vice President, President-Elect, President, Past President, and Director-at-Large. As a UW-Oshkosh professor, she has mentored many students, making presentations at AWRA a part of their experience. Her AWRA hydrogeology presentations are numerous and range from fractured rock to microbes to wetlands. We were honored to present this award to a very deserving candidate! Moe is pictured below (center) with Dave Hart (left) and Andy Leaf (right). Student Awards
During the 43rd annual meeting, the section was pleased to award five Outstanding Student Presentations. Andy Leaf (President) presented cash awards to the following winners:
LightningTalk1Noordyk.pdf LightningTalk2Jansen.pdf Session1A2Johnson.pdf Session1A3Miller.pdf Session1A4Wallrath.pdf Session1B3Ciruzzi.pdf Session1C2Hart.pdf Session2A2Wu.pdf Session2B3Christenson.pdf Session2C1Hein.pdf Session2C3Campbell.pdf Session3A1Miller.pdf Session3A5Smudde.pdf Session3B5Chen.pdf Session3C5Voter.pdf Session4A3Jordan.pdf Session4A4Bradbury.pdf Session4B1Rosera.pdf Session4B4Diebel.pdf Session4C2Mathews.pdf Session4C4Buser.pdf
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42nd Annual Meeting: Working Together for Wisconsin's Water: Balancing Industry, the Environment and Public Health Meeting Information March 8 - 9, 2018 at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel, 333 W College Ave, Appleton, WI 54911 Download the Call for Papers Download the Conference Registration Information Download the Conference Program Download the Conference Presentations Meeting Highlights The 42nd annual meeting of the American Water Resources Association-Wisconsin Section was held March 8 - 9, 2018 at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel, Appleton, Wisconsin. There were 209 registrants who attended the meeting, which included 47 oral presentations and 22 posters. The meeting theme was "Working Together for Wisconsin's Water: Balancing Industry, the Environment, and Public Health". In support of this theme, the Plenary Session included: Jim Jordahl from the Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance speaking on Farmers, Cities, Ag Retail and More: Diverse Partnerships Working to Improve Water Quality in Iowa; and Jim VandenBrook from the Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association speaking on The Collision of Agriculture, Environment, Public Health, and Science: NR 151 - An Unprecedented Collaboration to Protect Groundwater Quality in Eastern Wisconsin. Based on the success of our inaugural 2017 Lightening Talk Session, we continued the tradition this year, covering a diverse array of topics including storm-induced water level oscillations, water resources science, geologic mapping needs in Wisconsin, groundwater modeling using artificial intelligence, and water conservation practices. We had excellent technical sessions focused on the areas of Groundwater, Urban Water Quality, Geomorphology, Groundwater Quality, Central Sands, Surface Water Extremes, Streams, Groundwater-Surface Water, Coastal Modeling, Agriculture and Watershed Management, and Groundwater Modeling. The Dinner Speaker was Michael Tiboris from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs who gave a wonderful presentation on Nutrient Pollution and the Broadening Urban-Rural Divide. The evening Poster Session included a mixture of interesting topics presented by undergraduate and graduate students, regulatory and industry professionals, and academic colleagues. Lunch business meeting (pictured above). Lunch business meeting (pictured above). Plenary speaker Jim Jordahl from the Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance speaking on farmers, cities, agriculture retail and more (pictured above). Plenary speaker Jim VandenBrook from the Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association speaking on the collision of agriculture, environment, public health, and science (pictured above). AWRA President Mike Parsen kicking off dinner (pictured above). Evening speaker Michael Tiboris from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs speaking on nutrient pollution and the broadening urban-rural divide (pictured above). The student career session (pictured above). Distinguished Service Award This year we were proud to present the Distinguished Service Award to Pat Jurcek. Pat Jurcek receives the Distinguished Service Award from Mike Parsen, AWRA President (pictured above). Student Presentation Awards The section was pleased to award four Outstanding Student Presentations this year. The award winners included: Nicholas Potter for Outstanding Undergraduate Oral Presentation, Carly Mueller for Outstanding Undergraduate Poster Presentation, John Reimer for Outstanding Graduate Oral Presentation and Madeline Matthews receives the Outstanding Graduate Oral Presentation. Nicholas Potter receives the Outstanding Undergraduate Oral Presentation Award from Mike Parsen, AWRA President (pictured above). Carly Mueller receives the Outstanding Undergraduate Poster Presentation Award from Mike Parsen, AWRA President (pictured above). John Reimer receives the Outstanding Graduate Oral Presentation Award from Mike Parsen, AWRA President (pictured above). Madeleine Matthews receives the Outstanding Graduate Oral Presentation Award from Mike Parsen, AWRA President (pictured above).
Presentations EveningSpeaker1Tiboris.pdf LighteningTalk2Vandenbrook.pdf LighteningTalk3Bradbury.pdf LighteningTalk5Polebitski.pdf PlenarySpeaker1Jordahl.pdf PlenarySpeaker2VandenBrook.pdf Session1A1Nielsen.pdf Session1A2Mechenich.pdf Session1A3Helmuth.pdf Session1A4Smail.pdf Session1B1Sander.pdf Session1B3Selbig.pdf Session1C3Torma.pdf Session1C4Giglierano.pdf Session2A2Mathews.pdf Session2A3Salo.pdf Session2B2McGuire.pdf Session2B3Ciruzzi.pdf Session2B4Gaffield.pdf Session2C1Reimer.pdf Session2C2Yu.pdf Session2C4Potter.pdf Session3A2Christenson.pdf Session3A3Campbell.pdf Session3B1Wu.pdf Session3B3Hunt.pdf Session3B4Graham.pdf Session3C3Jin.pdf Session3C4Anderson.pdf Session4A1Kalk.pdf Session4A3Brown.pdf Session4C2Hart.pdf Session4C3Haserodt.pdf 41st Annual Meeting: Wisconsin's One Water - Breaking Boundaries Meeting Information March 9 - 10, 2017 at Osthoff Resort, 101 Osthoff Ave, Elkhart Lake, WI, 53020 Download the Call for Papers Download the Conference Registration Information Download the Conference Program Download the Conference Presentations Meeting Highlights The 41st annual meeting of the American Water Resources Association-Wisconsin Section was held March 9 - 10, 2017 at the Osthoff Resort, Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin. There were 168 registrants who attended the meeting, which included 43 oral presentations and 23 posters. The meeting theme was "Wisconsin's One Water: Breaking Boundaries". In support of this theme, the Plenary Session included: Kevin Shafer from the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District speaking on One Water, Infinite Possibilities; and George Kraft from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Center for Watershed Science and Education speaking on 50 Years of Central Sands Study Just Isn't Enough. An inaugural Lightening Talk Session followed the Plenary Speakers and covered a diverse array of topics such as watershed health, water crisis management, invasive species, road salt contamination of groundwater, and irrigated lands mapping. We had excellent technical sessions focused on the areas of Groundwater Resources in Kewaunee County, Wisconsin's Water Quality, Field Investigations, Surface Water, Central Sands, Water and Agriculture, Water Quality, Groundwater/Surface Water, Groundwater and Urban Stormwater Management. The Dinner Speakers were Stacy Hron from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and Huck Raddemann from CH2M who gave a wonderful joint presentation on A One Water Approach to Restoring Sheboygan River and Its Legacy. The evening Poster Session included a mixture of interesting topics presented by undergraduate and graduate students, regulatory and industry professionals, and academic colleagues. Plenary speaker Kevin Shafer from the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District speaking on one water, infinite possibilities (pictured above). Plenary speaker George Kraft from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Center for Watershed Science and Education speaking on 50 years of central sands study just isn't enough (pictured above). Dinner speaker Huck Raddemann from CH2M (pictured above). Dinner speaker Stacy Hron from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (pictured above). Poster session (pictured above). Poster session (pictured above). Distinguished Service Award This year we were proud to present the Distinguished Service Award to Jeff Helmuth of the Department of Natural Resources. Jeff Helmuth receives the Distinguished Service Award from Amanda Bell, AWRA President (pictured above). Student Presentation Awards The section was pleased to award three Outstanding Student Presentations this year. Award winners included: Melanie Stock, Lisa Haas, Allison LoBue. Lisa Haas receives an Outstanding Undergraduate Poster Presentation Award from Amanda Bell, AWRA President (pictured above). Allison LoBue receives an Outstanding Undergraduate Poster Presentation Award from Amanda Bell, AWRA President (pictured above).
Presentations DinnerSpeakers.pdf PlenarySpeakerShafer.pdf Session1A4Parsen.pdf Session1B1Asplund.pdf Session1B2Diebel.pdf Session1B4Hein.pdf Session1C2Ciruzzi.pdf Session1C3Hart.pdf Session1C4Hahn.pdf Session2A3Sander.pdf Session2C2Stock.pdf Session3A1Latzka.pdf Session3A3Selbig.pdf Session3B3Wade.pdf Session4A1Dunning.pdf Session4A2Haserodt.pdf Session4A4Fehling.pdf Session4B1Horwatich.pdf Session4B2McDonald.pdf 40th Annual Meeting - 40 Years of Wisconsin Waters
Meeting Information March 10 - 11, 2016 at Chula Vista Resort, 2501 River Rd, Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965 Download the Call for Papers Download the Conference Registration Information Download the Conference Program 39th Annual Meeting: Wisconsin Water Resources and Agriculture Meeting Information March 5 - 6, 2015 at the Olympia Resort: Hotel, Spa and Conference Center, 21350 Royale Mile Rd, Oconomowoc, WI 53066 Download the Call for Papers Download the Conference Registration Information Download the Conference Program Download the Conference Presentations Meeting Highlights The 39th annual meeting of the American Water Resources Association-Wisconsin Section was held March 5 - 6, 2015 at the Olympia Resort and Conference Center, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. There were 230 registrants who attended the meeting which included 57 oral presentations and 37 posters. The meeting theme was "Wisconsin Water Resources and Agriculture". In support of this theme the Plenary Session included: Tom Cox from UW-Madison, Department of Agriculture and Applied Economics speaking on Economic/Environmental Optimization in the Wisconsin Dairy Sector; Dennis Roehrborn from Roehrborn Farms, LLC. speaking on the Evolution of Farming Practices Over a Quarter Century; and Bill Schaumberg from Tilth Agronomy Group speaking on A Private Agronomist's Perspective on Phosphorous, Agricultural Land Management, and Water Quality. We had excellent technical sessions on Agricultural and Water Quality, Groundwater Modeling, Surface Water Quality, Central Sands, Surface Water and Habitat, Agriculture and Groundwater, Managing Water Resources, Urban Water Quality, Wetlands, and Water Quality. The Dinner Speaker was Ryan Schone from UW-Extension, Milwaukee County who gave a wonderful presentation on Milwaukee's Local Food Environment: Capacity Built and Lessons Learned. Poster Session included a mixture of interesting topics presented by undergraduate and graduate students, regulatory and industry professionals, and academic colleagues. Lunch business meeting (pictured above). Tom Cox from the Dept. of Agriculture and Applied Economics, UW-Madison speaking on Economic/Environmental Optimization in the Wisconsin Dairy Sector (pictured above). Dennis Roehrborn from Roehrborn Farms, LLC speaking on Evolution of Farming Practices Over a Quarter Century (pictured above). Bill Schaumberg from Tilth Agronomy Group speaking on a Private Argonomist's Perspective on Phosphorus, Argicultural Land Management and Water Quality (pictured above). AWRA President Andrew Aslesen kicking off dinner (pictured above). Ryan Schone from UW Extension Milwaukee speaking on Milwaukee's Local Food Environment (pictured above). After dinner poster session (pictured above). Distinguished Service Award This year we were proud to present the Distinguished Service Award to Dr. Ken Potter of the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. This award recognizes his years of exemplary service on behalf of the section, research colleagues, students, and the international community of hydrologists. Dr. Potter has advanced the field of water resources science and management and played an influential role mentoring hydrologists and water resource managers. He has demonstrated a strong commitment to the study of local and regional water resources issues through the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies' Water Resources Management Program and Practicum. He is highly respected throughout the region and nation for providing innovative solutions for communities and invaluable place-based experiences for students. He has advised dozens of PhD and Masters Student's and many undergraduate students on research projects and has published 4 peer-reviewed articles. Dr. Potter, thank you for your service, and congratulations! Ken Potter receives the Distinguished Service Award from Andrew Aslesen, AWRA President (pictured above). Student Presentation Awards The section was pleased to award four Outstanding Student Presentations this year. Award winners included: Adam Bechle for Outstanding Graduate Oral Presentation, Yan Zhu for Outstanding Graduate Poster Presentation, Bree Bender for Outstanding Undergraduate Oral Presentation and Christa Kananen for Outstanding Undergraduate Poster Presentation. Adam Bechle receives the Outstanding Graduate Oral Presentation Award from Andrew Aslesen, AWRA President (pictured above). Bree Bender receives the Outstanding Undergraduate Oral Presentation Award from Andrew Aslesen, AWRA President (pictured above). Yan Zhu receives the Outstanding Graduate Poster Presentation Award from Andrew Aslesen, AWRA President (pictured above). Christa Kananen receives the Outstanding Undergraduate Poster Presentation Award from Andrew Aslesen, AWRA President (pictured above).
Presentations Session1A1Motew.pdf Session1A2Nelson.pdf Session1A3Brown.pdf Session1A4Fermanich.pdf Session1B1Harper.pdf Session1B2Kammel.pdf Session1C2Reimer.pdf Session1C3Bechle.pdf Session1C5Shrivastava.pdf Session2A1Busch.pdf Session2A3Nelson.pdf Session2A4Herron.pdf Session2B1Gaffield.pdf Session2B4Sellwood.pdf Session2B5Wade.pdf Session2C1Hein.pdf Session2C4Miller.pdf Session2C5Jordan.pdf Session3A1Masarik.pdf Session3A2Marshall.pdf Session3A3Muldoon.pdf Session3A4Hohn.pdf Session3A5Zopp.pdf Session3B1Smail.pdf Session3B2Shupryt.pdf Session3B3Cherkauer.pdf Session3B5Griffin.zip Session3C2FieldsSommers.pdf Session3C3Bradbury.pdf Session4A1Busch.pdf Session4A2Sheng.pdf Session4A3Peterson.pdf Session4B1Zipper.pdf Session4B3Linares.pdf Session4B4Troolin.pdf Session4C1Bender.pdf Session4C2Wunderlin.pdf 38th Annual Meeting: Mining and Wisconsin Waters Meeting Information March 13 - 14, 2014 at the Chula Vista Resort, 2501 River Rd, Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965 Download the Call for Papers Download the Conference Registration Information Download the Conference Program Download the Conference Presentations Meeting Highlights The 38th annual meeting of the American Water Resources Association-Wisconsin Section was held March 13 - 14, 2014 at the Chula Vista Resort, Wisconsin Dells. There were 179 registrants who attended the meeting which included 36 oral presentations and 22 posters. The meeting theme was "Mining and Wisconsin Waters". In support of this theme the Plenary Session included: Bradley Johnson from the Wausau Service Center, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources speaking on Industrial Sand Mining in Wisconsin; Seth Ebel from Chippewa County Department of Land Conservation and Forest Management speaking on County Experiences with Industrial Sand Mining; and Bruce Brown from Badger Mining Corporation speaking on Wisconsin's Sand Industry: The Facts, the Fiction, and the Future. We had excellent technical sessions on Agricultural Hydrology and Management, Groundwater Modeling, Agricultural Watershed Modeling, Groundwater Quality, Mining Impact on Groundwater and Surface Water, Urban Water Quality, Surface Water Quality, and Measuring, Monitoring, and Managing Water Resources. The Dinner Speaker was Steve Swenson from the Aldo Leopold Foundation who gave a wonderful presentation on Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic in Our Time. Poster Session included a mixture of interesting topics presented by undergraduate and graduate students, regulatory and industry professionals, and academic colleagues. The 2014 Student Career Workshop was well attended by students seeking input on career pathways from a panel of experienced Wisconsin water professionals. Panelist included representatives from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, US Geological Survey, University of Wisconsin system, and the consulting industry. Bruce Brown from Badger Mining Corporation speaking on Wisconsin's Sand Industry (pictured above). Distinguished Service Award This year we were proud to present the Distinguished Service Award to David Mechenich of the Center for Watershed Science and Education at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. This award recognizes his 25 years of exemplary service on behalf of the section, research colleagues, students, and the international community of hydrologists. David has been the driving force for developing and maintaining the Central Wisconsin Groundwater Center well water quality database which contains nearly 700,000 test results from over 80,000 well water samples. He created the interactive Wisconsin Well Water Quality viewer that integrates easy public access of databases from the Groundwater Center, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Groundwater Retrieval Network, and the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection. David, thank you for your service, and congratulations! David Mechenich receives the Distinguished Service Award from John Skalbeck, AWRA President (pictured above). Student Presentation Awards The section was pleased to award four Outstanding Student Presentations this year. Award winners included: Stephen Sellwood for Outstanding Graduate Oral Presentation, Kyle Ankenbauer for Outstanding Graduate Poster Presentation, and the team of Kyra Fitzgerald and Dana Gibson for Outstanding Undergraduate Oral Presentation. Stephen Sellwood poses proudly with John Skalbeck, AWRA President (pictured above). Dana Gibs poses proudly with John Skalbeck, AWRA President (pictured above).
Presentations Session1A1Freihoefer.pdf Session1A2Nelson.pdf Session1A3Heim.pdf Session1A4Jokela.pdf Session1A5Borchardt.pdf Session1B1Juckem.pdf Session1B3Leaf.pdf Session1B4Fienen.pdf Session1B5Sellwood.pdf Session2A1Zipper.pdf Session2A2Panuska.pdf Session2A3Booth.pdf Session2A4Soylu.pdf Session2A5FitzgeraldPresentation.pdf Session2B1Gotkowitz.pdf Session2B2Johanson.pdf Session2B3Nitka.pdf Session3A1Smail.pdf Session3A2Parsen.pdf Session3A3Bradbury.pdf Session3A4Luczaj.pdf Session3A5Streiff.pdf Session3B2Horwatich.pdf Session3B3Pan.pdf Session3B4Buer.pdf Session3B5Selbig.pdf Session4A1Lamba.pdf Session4A3Baumgart.pdf Session4A4Wollenburg.pdf Session4A5Baldwin.pdf Session4B1Gebert.pdf Session4B2Gyawali.pdf Session4B3Bruhn.pdf Session4B4Miller.pdf 37th Annual Meeting: Managing Wisconsin's Urban Water Resources Meeting Information March 7 - 8, 2013 at the Sheraton Milwaukee Brookfield Hotel, 375 S Moorland Rd, Brookfield WI 53005 Download the Call for Papers Download the Conference Registration Information Download the Conference Program Download the Conference Presentations Meeting Highlights The 37th annual meeting of the Wisconsin section of the American Water Resources Association was held March 7 - 8, 2013 at the Sheraton Milwaukee Brookfield Hotel, Brookfield. There were 208 hundred registrants who attended the meeting which included 36 oral presentations and 33 posters. The theme of the meeting was "Managing Wisconsin's Urban Water Resources". In support of this theme Mike Hahn, chief environmental engineer with the Southeast Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, Kevin Shafer, executive director with Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage District, and William Holahan, UW - Milwaukee professor of economics emeritus gave plenary talks on urban water management from a water supply perspective, urban water management from a wastewater/stormwater/watercourse perspective, and the value and socioeconomics of water and water related decisions, respectively. Bradley Eggold, Southern Lake Michigan Fisheries Supervisor, Wisconsin DNR, was the dinner speaker and he discussed the Root River steelhead facility. We had excellent technical sessions on methods for characterizing and managing urban runoff, evaluating lakes, characterizing impacts of agricultural runoff, and groundwater modeling. Michael Hahn of Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission delivers his lunch plenary about managing Wisconsin's urban water resources (pictured above). Bradley Eggold of Wisconsin DNR delivers his dinner plenary address entitled Root River Steelhead Facility (pictured above). Distinguished Service Award This year we were proud to present the Distinguished Service Award to Randall Hunt of the United States Geological Survey. This award recognizes his exemplary service on behalf of the section, research colleagues, students, and the international community of hydrologists. His research covers a broad range of groundwater-surface water systems including wetland, stream, and lake interactions. The vast body of research by Randy is well documented in 124 publications that illustrate his willingness to share his hydrology expertise with others. He has mentored numerous graduate students and many former students are regular contributors to annual AWRA meetings. As a regular attendee of the AWRA - WI Section annual meetings, Randy is routinely called upon to give the final oral presentation of the meeting. He typically delivers with a report on the state-of-the-science with a mixture of informative lecture, historical significance, and witty humor. Thank you, Randy, and congratulations! Randy Hunt receives the Distinguished Service Award from Roger Bannermann, AWRA President (pictured above). Student Presentation Awards AWRA encourages student participation in its annual meeting by recognizing the best student oral presentation, best student poster, and undergraduate excellence in either the oral or poster categories. This year's competition featured oral presentations by 12 students and posters by 18 students. Best Student Oral Presentation Award went to Samuel C. Zipper, University of Wisconsin-Madison for Shallow Groundwater Impacts on Corn Biophysics and Yield during a Drought, Yahara River Watershed, Wisconsin. Best Student Poster Award went to Harsh Vardhan Singh, University of Wisconsin-Madison for Sediment Routing through Ephemeral Grassed Waterways in a Nested Watershed. Samuel Zipper of UW-Madision poses proudly with Roger Bannermann, AWRA President (pictured above).
Presentations PlenaryEconomics.pdf PlenaryMMSD.pdf PlenaryRootRiver.pdf PlenarySEWRPC.pdf Session1A1Shambarger.pdf Session1A2Gotkowitz.pdf Session1A3Selbig.pdf Session1A4Prellwitz.pdf Session1B2Anderson.pdf Session1B3Magee.pdf Session1B4Gerdts.pdf Session2A1Emmons.pdf Session2A2Guo.pdf Session2A3Emmons.pdf Session2A4Egeren.pdf Session2B1Horwatich.pdf Session2B2Bero.pdf Session2B3Masarik.pdf Session2B4Reimer.pdf Session3A1Danz.pdf Session3A2Naber.pdf Session3A3Lamba.pdf Session3A4Soylu.pdf Session3A5Zipper.pdf Session3B1Juckem.pdf Session3B2Brugger.pdf Session3B3Thorp.pdf Session3B4Sellwood.pdf Session3B5Johanson.pdf Session4A1Bradbury.pdf Session4A2Leaf.pdf Session4A3Feinstein.pdf Session4A4Fienen.pdf Session4A5Hunt.pdf Session4B2Gaffield.pdf Session4B3Hart.pdf Session4B4Smail.pdf Session4B5Parsen.pdf 36th Annual Meeting: Science-Based Policy for Wisconsin's Water Resources Meeting Information March 1 - 2, 2012 at the Chula Vista Resort, 2501 River Rd, Wisconsin Dells WI 53965 Download the Call for Papers Download the Conference Registration Information and Mail-in Form Download the final Conference Program Meeting Highlights The 36th Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Section of the American Water Resources Association was held March 1-2, 2012 at the Chula Vista Resort in the Wisconsin Dells. There were about 200 registrants who attended the meeting which included 39 oral presentations and 37 poster presentations. The theme of the meeting was "Science-Based Policy for Wisconsin's Water Resources". In support of this theme Jim Ostrom, co-founder of MilkSource, and Shali Pfeiffer, natural resources staff specialist at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, gave plenary talks on modern dairy farming and Wisconsin groundwater policy, respectively. Meg Galloway, chief of the Dams and Floodplain Section of the WDNR, was the dinner speaker and discussed the restoration of Lake Delton after the flood of June 2008. Plans are already underway for the 2013 annual meeting which will be held March 7-8 in the Milwaukee area. We hope that you keep the AWRA meeting in your plans for 2013! Jim Ostrom delivers his plenary address entitled Large-scale sustainable farming (pictured above). Meeting attendees interact at the evening poster and mixer session (pictured above). Shalli Pfeiffer delivers her plenary address entitled DNR high capacity well review after the 2011 Wisconsin State Supreme Court "Lake Beulah" Decision (pictured above). Distinguished Service Award The Wisconsin Section of AWRA is pleased to award the Distinguished Service Award to Doug Cherkauer of the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee. Thank you, Doug, and congratulations! Doug Cherkauer, Professor of Geosciences at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, receives the Distinguished Service Award from Bob Stelzer, AWRA President (pictured above). Student Presentation Awards AWRA encourages student participation in its annual meeting by recognizing the best student oral presentation, best student poster, and undergraduate excellence in either the oral or poster categories. This year's competition featured oral presentations by twelve graduate students and posters by five graduate and three undergraduate students. Best Student Oral Presentation Award went to Jeffrey F. Miller, University of Wisconsin-Madison for A Comparison of Stormwater Detention Capabilities of Four Neighboring Wetland Swales. Best Student Poster Award went to Adam J. Bechle, University of Wisconsin-Madison for Development and Application of an Automated River-Estuary Discharge Imaging System. Jeffrey Miller and Adam Bechle, both at UW-Madision, pose proudly with Steve Gaffield (Past AWRA President). Jeffrey and Adam were winners of the Best Oral Presentation Award and Best Poster Presentation Award, respectively (pictured above).
35th Annual Meeting - "Wisconsin's Role in Great Lakes Restoration" Meeting Information March 3 - 4, 2011 at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel, 333 W. College Avenue, Appleton WI 54911 Download the Call for Papers Download the Conference Registration Information and Mail-in Form Download the Conference Program Meeting Highlights This year's theme was "Wisconsin's Role in Great Lakes Restoration", and we had excellent technical sessions on great lakes topics, as well as surface water and groundwater issues throughout Wisconsin. Our plenary provided national, state and local perspectives on how the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative is providing policy and funding momentum to clean up contaminated sediment, expand fish spawning habitat, control invasives species, and make our beaches safer. Dinner speaker Greg Summers provided a thought-provoking history lesson about environmentalism in the Fox Valleys that generated plenty of philosophical discussion about "all or nothing" environmental debates. Distinguished Service Award The Wisconsin Section of AWRA is pleased to award the Distinguished Service Award to Roger Bannerman of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (pictured below). Roger has worked tirelessly to solve urban and rural nonpoint source pollution problems for many years, producing nationally recognized research and mentoring many young water resource scientists. Roger is also serving as Vice President of the Wisconsin Section of AWRA. Thank you, Roger, and congratulations! Student Presentation Awards AWRA encourages student participation in its annual meeting by recognizing the best student oral presentation, best student poster, and undergraduate excellence in either the oral or poster categories. This year’s competition featured oral presentations by twelve graduate students and posters by five graduate and three undergraduate students. Best Student Oral Presentation Award went to Nathan C. Magnusson, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee for Assessing the Effect of Pleistocene Glaciation on the Water Supply of Eastern Wisconsin (pictured below). Best Student Poster Award went to Stephanie G. Prellwitz, University of Wisconsin-Madison for Biological Systems Engineering, Soil Stability within Wetland Treatment Swales for Urban Runoff (pictured below). Undergraduate Excellence Award went to Caren J. Ackley, University of Wisconsin-Parkside for Geosciences Department, Removal of Arsenic and Chromium from Water Using Fe-Exchanged Zeolite (pictured below).
34th Annual Meeting - "Emerging Challenges for the Waters of Wisconsin" Meeting Information March 4 - 5, 2010 at the Madison Marriott West, 1313 John Q Hammons Dr, Middleton, WI 53562 Download the Call for Papers Download the Conference Registration Information and Mail-in Form Download the Conference Program Meeting Highlights Our evening speaker was Senator Mark Miller (D-Monona) who spoke on the latest groundwater legislation in Wisconsin (pictured below). Distinguished Service Award This year’s Distinguished Service Award went to George Kraft (UW Stevens Point). George was recognized for his continuing efforts in water resources education and research in the central sand plains of Wisconsin (pictured below). Student Awards AWRA encourages student participation in its annual meeting by recognizing the best student oral presentation, best student poster, and undergraduate excellence in either the oral or poster categories. This year’s competition featured oral presentations by graduate students and posters by graduate and undergraduate students. Best Student Oral Presentation Award went to Eric G. Booth, University of Wisconsin Madison for Controls on the Soil Moisture Regime of a Restored Floodplain, East Branch Pecatonica River: A Field and Modeling Investigation (pictured below). Best Student Poster Award went to Samantha N. Miller, Carthage College for Initiating a Long-term Monitoring Program of Aquatic and Terrestrial Invasive Species in Kenosha County, Wisconsin (pictured below). Best Student Poster Award went to Caren J. Ackley, University of Wisconsin Parkside, Geosciences Depatment for Interactions between Tetracycline and Kaolinite in Aqueous Solution (pictured below).
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