42nd Annual Meeting: Working Together for Wisconsin's Water: Balancing Industry, the Environment and Public Health Meeting Information March 8 - 9, 2018 at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel, 333 W College Ave, Appleton, WI 54911 Download the Call for Papers Download the Conference Registration Information Download the Conference Program Download the Conference Presentations Meeting Highlights The 42nd annual meeting of the American Water Resources Association-Wisconsin Section was held March 8 - 9, 2018 at the Radisson Paper Valley Hotel, Appleton, Wisconsin. There were 209 registrants who attended the meeting, which included 47 oral presentations and 22 posters. The meeting theme was "Working Together for Wisconsin's Water: Balancing Industry, the Environment, and Public Health". In support of this theme, the Plenary Session included: Jim Jordahl from the Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance speaking on Farmers, Cities, Ag Retail and More: Diverse Partnerships Working to Improve Water Quality in Iowa; and Jim VandenBrook from the Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association speaking on The Collision of Agriculture, Environment, Public Health, and Science: NR 151 - An Unprecedented Collaboration to Protect Groundwater Quality in Eastern Wisconsin. Based on the success of our inaugural 2017 Lightening Talk Session, we continued the tradition this year, covering a diverse array of topics including storm-induced water level oscillations, water resources science, geologic mapping needs in Wisconsin, groundwater modeling using artificial intelligence, and water conservation practices. We had excellent technical sessions focused on the areas of Groundwater, Urban Water Quality, Geomorphology, Groundwater Quality, Central Sands, Surface Water Extremes, Streams, Groundwater-Surface Water, Coastal Modeling, Agriculture and Watershed Management, and Groundwater Modeling. The Dinner Speaker was Michael Tiboris from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs who gave a wonderful presentation on Nutrient Pollution and the Broadening Urban-Rural Divide. The evening Poster Session included a mixture of interesting topics presented by undergraduate and graduate students, regulatory and industry professionals, and academic colleagues. Lunch business meeting (pictured above). Lunch business meeting (pictured above). Plenary speaker Jim Jordahl from the Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance speaking on farmers, cities, agriculture retail and more (pictured above). Plenary speaker Jim VandenBrook from the Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association speaking on the collision of agriculture, environment, public health, and science (pictured above). AWRA President Mike Parsen kicking off dinner (pictured above). Evening speaker Michael Tiboris from the Chicago Council on Global Affairs speaking on nutrient pollution and the broadening urban-rural divide (pictured above). The student career session (pictured above). Distinguished Service Award This year we were proud to present the Distinguished Service Award to Pat Jurcek. Pat Jurcek receives the Distinguished Service Award from Mike Parsen, AWRA President (pictured above). Student Presentation Awards The section was pleased to award four Outstanding Student Presentations this year. The award winners included: Nicholas Potter for Outstanding Undergraduate Oral Presentation, Carly Mueller for Outstanding Undergraduate Poster Presentation, John Reimer for Outstanding Graduate Oral Presentation and Madeline Matthews receives the Outstanding Graduate Oral Presentation. Nicholas Potter receives the Outstanding Undergraduate Oral Presentation Award from Mike Parsen, AWRA President (pictured above). Carly Mueller receives the Outstanding Undergraduate Poster Presentation Award from Mike Parsen, AWRA President (pictured above). John Reimer receives the Outstanding Graduate Oral Presentation Award from Mike Parsen, AWRA President (pictured above). Madeleine Matthews receives the Outstanding Graduate Oral Presentation Award from Mike Parsen, AWRA President (pictured above).
Presentations EveningSpeaker1Tiboris.pdf LighteningTalk2Vandenbrook.pdf LighteningTalk3Bradbury.pdf LighteningTalk5Polebitski.pdf PlenarySpeaker1Jordahl.pdf PlenarySpeaker2VandenBrook.pdf Session1A1Nielsen.pdf Session1A2Mechenich.pdf Session1A3Helmuth.pdf Session1A4Smail.pdf Session1B1Sander.pdf Session1B3Selbig.pdf Session1C3Torma.pdf Session1C4Giglierano.pdf Session2A2Mathews.pdf Session2A3Salo.pdf Session2B2McGuire.pdf Session2B3Ciruzzi.pdf Session2B4Gaffield.pdf Session2C1Reimer.pdf Session2C2Yu.pdf Session2C4Potter.pdf Session3A2Christenson.pdf Session3A3Campbell.pdf Session3B1Wu.pdf Session3B3Hunt.pdf Session3B4Graham.pdf Session3C3Jin.pdf Session3C4Anderson.pdf Session4A1Kalk.pdf Session4A3Brown.pdf Session4C2Hart.pdf Session4C3Haserodt.pdf
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